WANA (Jan 30) – “Honestly, without makeup, I feel unattractive and think people pay less attention to me. I believe that in today’s world, physical beauty is an advantage, and if you want to be noticed, you have to care about it. Of course, the shop owner believes in this principle as well to attract more customers.” These are the words of Sara Jalali, a 19-year-old salesperson, explaining why she wears makeup.


For the past few years, a significant part of Instagram and social media has become a marketplace for promoting beauty. Whether it’s cosmetic surgery, beauty salons, or beauty products, they have dominated this space to the point where even some men are now concerned about looking more attractive.

This wave of advertising and the public’s alignment with it has led Iran to rank among the top consumer nations in the world in terms of cosmetic product usage. So much so that a French newspaper even writes: “Most Iranian women, even when they are ill, believe they should not leave the house without spending a considerable amount of time on makeup.”


Some claim that Iran holds the topmost rank in cosmetic consumption, but no precise statistics or evidence has ever been provided. Findings of WANA News Agency from various sources indicate that Iran ranks between 5th and 7th in cosmetic usage compared to other countries. It seems that the consumption of cosmetic products in Arab countries is much higher than in Iran.


But this is only one side of the story. Whether we view wearing makeup positively or negatively, the more important point is that high-quality cosmetic products are not included in most women’s daily routines.



According to the director of Iran’s Cosmetics and Health Products Department at the Food and Drug Administration, raw materials, industrial-grade products, and heavy metals are used to reduce the production costs of illegal cosmetics, which are extremely harmful to health.


The average age for using cosmetic and hygiene products worldwide is 25, but in Iran, this age has dropped to 14. Exposure to metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury, which are found in cosmetics, significantly increases the likelihood of developing health issues later in life.


This issue becomes even more significant when you realize that cosmetic usage in Iran has increased by 4 to 5 times compared to 20 years ago, and 296 diseases caused by the use of substandard cosmetics have been identified so far, with liver disease, infertility, and skin inflammation being just a few of them.

This increase in demand has also changed the face of cities. Not long ago, the number of beauty salons and centers was limited, but today, in every neighborhood, there are, without exaggeration, 10 to 15 beauty salons. Cosmetic stores have sprung up like mushrooms, and even in the city’s subways, many street vendors are selling these products—products that often lack proper health supervision and pose serious risks to consumers.



But why is this happening? Why has the trend towards beauty and cosmetic product consumption intensified to such an extent? In addition to considering the role of the media, the root of this issue goes beyond superficial aspects and is tied to psychological and cultural factors. The human desire for beauty and grooming is undeniable, but deeper issues come into play when a person cannot accept themselves, even for a moment, without makeup.


Cosmetic surgeries and methods such as permanent makeup (eyebrow tattoos, lip liner, permanent lipstick, etc.) are attempts that are used to reduce the time spent on grooming. However, visiting unreliable individuals and centers can cause serious physical harm to the person.


An excessive focus on physical beauty distorts the criteria for valuing individuals and brings numerous social consequences, from constant comparisons and high expenses to a deviation from personal growth.



The root of this extreme tendency lies in the fear of rejection, lack of self-confidence, and the overemphasis on appearance by families, which is ingrained in individuals from childhood. Under the influence of the dominant culture and social environment, this concern gradually intensifies, and if society fails to replace it with genuine values, its consequences will become even more profound.


Ms. Elham Khosravi, 32, an employee, explains her reason for wearing makeup as follows: “I wear makeup every day because maintaining a neat appearance is important in the workplace. But to be honest, sometimes I feel like it’s more of a social obligation than a personal choice. If I go to work without makeup one day, some colleagues assume I’m either sick or just not in the mood!”


Ms. Narges Ahmadi, 27, a tailor who recently decided to wear less makeup, has a different opinion: “I used to think that wearing makeup all the time would boost my confidence, but then I realized that relying too much on my appearance was making me overlook my abilities and true personality.”


These opinions reflect how attitudes toward makeup in society are influenced by various factors, ranging from social pressure to the need for validation from others.